Snapshot Serializer

You can add your own logic to alter how your snapshots are serialized. Like Jest, Vitest has default serializers for built-in JavaScript types, HTML elements, ImmutableJS and for React elements.

Example serializer module:

  serialize(val, config, indentation, depth, refs, printer) {
    // `printer` is a function that serializes a value using existing plugins.
    return `Pretty foo: ${printer(}`
  test(val) {
    return val &&, 'foo')

After adding a test like this:

test('foo snapshot test', () => {
  const bar = {
    foo: {
      x: 1,
      y: 2,


You will get the following snapshot:

Pretty foo: Object {
  "x": 1,
  "y": 2,

We are using Jest's pretty-format for serializing snapshots. You can read more about it here: pretty-format.